one of many epic campspot views in Alaska I’m back earlier than usual, trying to catch up with our travel stories. In the last post, we visited Valdez and its surrounding. After few days in Valdez, we got itchy feet again and hit the road. …

one of many epic campspot views in Alaska I’m back earlier than usual, trying to catch up with our travel stories. In the last post, we visited Valdez and its surrounding. After few days in Valdez, we got itchy feet again and hit the road. …
On the way to Alaska After two border crossings, in and out of small section of Alaska in 24 hours, we headed back into Canada through Haines highway toward the Alaska highway to enter the mainland, Alaska. The night before entering Alaska, we camped at an…
We were so excited to be in Yukon! Especially when our first stop on the remote Robert Campbell highway was a stunning crystal clear lake and we swam in it with a Moose family. It was a great experience and we knew that we will…
By now we have been in the states for almost two months and we had to keep heading north to reach the far north of the Canada and the Alaska in the right season. After visiting the Yellowstone, we headed north toward Montana. And wow,…
Happy New Year Everyone!! I hope that you all had a great break. Back to where we left it in the last post in Wyoming and on the outskirt of the Yellowstone National Park. We entered the park from the southern side and it wasn’t…
Landcruiser Heritage Museum It was last days of our stay in Utah and we were heading to Salt Lake City for our last stop. This stop is a must for any Landcruiser lover, Landcruiser Heritage Museum. After an amazing and refreshing drive through the mountains…
Crossing Over the mighty Colorado River After spending great couple of days in the central Utah, it was time to head south once more to visit few places before we turn north and carry on north till we get to Arctic Ocean. It was already…
Cathedral Valley After Spending few relaxing days in the Fish Lake national forest, we got itchy feet again and hit the road! The plan was to visit few spot that are less visited in Utah and explore them. We headed toward Torrey and camped on…
After visiting Horseshoe bend, we stopped at Page to get our essentials before heading to Utah. It includes, grocery shopping, finding the cheapest diesel to fill our both tanks and finding the portable water to fill the water tank. Normally it takes us at least…
We are back after more than a month to finally finish up our trip in Arizona. In the previous post we covered south of Arizona and ticked off few things on our car maintenance to do list and started to head north toward Grand Canyon. Since…