(Under Update)
Here I have listed all bits and pieces and gears we have chosen and decided to buy and use for our Troopy build,
(To see all of these on our Troopy, pls refer to our final Troopy video link (under update) and if you found interesting device or component to use then you can find it in below list too)
These are all our personal choices, after lots of search and price checks etc… and we are not sponsored by any of these brands or suppliers, but just as the best chosen stuff to complete our rig in the finest details and usefulness for our tiny home on wheels, you might get inspired with this list for your own rig and we wanted to share our ideas with all other Troopy lovers, if you see a buy link from Amazon here and you decided to buy same item please use our provided links here to buy the item, it will just help us to get small amount of earning from the affiliate Amazon links here, If for any reason any of these links not worked or was broken after while pls send us a message and we will double check the items, much appreciated.
The famous Armrest/Cup holder for 70s
This is one of the best you can get for your driving comfort specially if you drive for long time having an armrest on the door will make you more comfortable in your position, we have for both sides and we both using this cup holders, Make sure you get good quality one as this provided link here got x3 rear magnet its holding strong, I’ve seen some people got fake types with sticking tape on the back side or only two magnets.
Diode Dynamic Light Bar (SAE FOG/AMBER)
As you saw in my Troopy build video I have very open front head for my Troopy, with replaced Toyota after market grill which has got more open area on the grill and little modern looking logo I wanted to do not make the air flow limited at all, you can easy block the air flow by installing huge bulky light bars or fog lamps on your front bar too, its vey important to have as much as air into the radiator and finally I found this amazing powerful and road legal SAE fog lamps from Diode Dynamic brand, they look great and perform amazing! I got its amber color Fog Lamp pattern but you can get any other variations too. white or flood or driving pattern exist, but for me I wanted to get yellow (Amber) Fog lamp for rainy and foggy days plus yellow is more visible even if you use it as daylight on high way and this lamp is SAE approved means its road legal.
Temperature Monitor (Inside and Outside)
Here is a device we got to monitor accurate temperature of inside the wagon also outside temperature during our camping days and its interesting to see how our diesel heater could perform against outside, you can check Minimum and Maximum reach Temperatures also its built in light is a useful feature during nights. this model got a transmitter which you have to install somewhere outside of the wagon so it will show you both inside and outside temperature at same time plus humidity percentage.
Rear Organiser bags Left and right side
I’ve been asked by lots of contacts what are those rear bags and where I got them from, these are from Brandit, we have x4 organiser bags on the right hand side rear barn door and x2 different model toiletry bags on the Left hand side just above our barn door tables, these been very useful and easy to access to our selfcare products like sun cream, bushes, tooth paste, shaving machine, quick access to some emergency medicine etc… and you can suddenly by a piece of flat bar or aluminum angle on the door edges (with M5 rivnuts) you can hang these bags on the bars and also at the same time they will not make any blockage to your rear view mirror through the rear windows for upcoming trafics, we absolutely love these bags. (also other colors like khaky or olive green available by this provided links)
Warn Winch 12-S (12000lb Syntetic)
The winch you see in our video and also detailed installation post about bullbar and winch is the famous Warn Evo 12-S winch, this winch is one of the top rated market winches and high quality build is screaming from its design, its interesting to tell you even when you ask Toyota to install a winch for you basically they will use Warn winch 8000lb on their bull bar for you, but they don’t mention its brand to you, when I got installation PDF guide from Toyota team, images clearly shown a warn winch in their manual !
On-board Air Compressor
I have a portable air compressor which I mounted it under the bonnet and now is sort of on board air for us, I got mine from Bushranger, model named air Max III in Australia but this is exactly rebranded famous VIAAIR compressor, it has auto off mode and also you can use an air gun for it to clean up any dust from your parts, I bought the air gun separately from VIAAIR and fitting are all same, no matter if you get directly from VIAAIR or Bushranger they are exactly same and all fittings are same too, and you can mount them both same way I installed it under the bonnet to make it as an onboard air for your rig.
Sirocco Fan
The cooling fan you see we installed under the rear Alucab roof conversion hatch is from Sirocco, this fan is very famous between camper van owners and has got potential to mount in different position and face its head towards different angles, has got variable speed control and very low amperage consumption. both black and white color available
Magnetic Spice Rack (For our Barn door table)
As you see on our rear barn door tables pictures there is spice rack inside middle storage table box, this been asked alot and people who purchased our Troopy rear barn door tables absolutely loved this, you can sort all your spices here and get access to them quickly while cooking, has got magnetic rears and provided metal piece could be cut to our troopy table box and stick all the spice bottles inside the door, how cool, practical and efficient to use the rear doors better than this!
Portable Toilet for inside Troopy usage
Thetford is the brand you want to buy, do not compromise on this ay all as there is heaps of other similar portable toilets in the market, but quality of seals and durability and smell free is what you need for this product, the model which will match to our cabinet compartment sizing is Porta Potty 335 (Part No.92828), and this size is absolute ample size to seat inside the Troopy with 10ltr fresh water manual Pump and under side storage for cleaners, we loved how our cabinet designed to be able to use this portable toilet during our nights and no need to get outside for the business, its adding another level of comfort to your trip.
LED strip inside the wagon
The LED warm light you saw in our video, is a 5 meter LED strip you mount on the edge of roof conversion, this LED got warm color which is more appropriate to use all the time instead of very bright white LEDs, also this strip spread whole wagon a good useful light during nights for living inside, I found that the LED lamps provided by Alucab roof conversions are not spreading good useful amount of light into the wagon and we ended up only using this light for our setup., make sure you use strong clear sealant each 500mm over the strip, on top of the LED strip to mount it more secure on the body this way it will not fall off after while and will be secured on place forever.
Webasto Diesel Heater
For diesel heater ofcourse Webasto is the leader, we have airtop STC 200 with digital control and absolutely loved it, while outside was close to zero we encountered 18 degree comfort inside even NZ not getting to cold generally but casually it will get under zero degree and that night we truly enjoyed the comfort of bein warm inside the Troopy wagon. this diesel heater is German made and absolutely not worth to go to lower quality copied versions as you will face heaps of error codes and running difficulties while you want to get warm hassle free and quickly.
Water pump with in built accumulator
Our water pump is 12v 11lpm@50Psi from Flojet, this pump doesn’t need extra accumulator on the lines which is benefit when you try to keep components as less as possible we installed it under the body and there is a post on our website showing how we mounted it under the rear factory tow bar and absolutely working perfect sofar, for our system its pressure is perfect and has got a filter supplied in its box but we replaced it with a little bigger filter and easier to replace which ihas shown on the related Troopy build post
Our 12v water heater 10Ltr
The best 12v compact size for Troopy cabinetry you can get sofar is this, we installed this water heater and is only using electric source from our in house batteries and no need to carry any gas bottle at all, this is 10ltr Duetto model in about 40 minutes you can have 60 degree hot water reached from 15 degree initial temperature, this size is very good for two people and if you manage to do showers both at same time you will find no need to wait to warm up the water again for the second person, my partner gets shower first and then I do and I found that if you get use to managing proper amount of water, this size perfectly matches our showing needs during our traveling.
Rear Safety Step
Once we installed our suspension kit also rear dual wheel carrier, getting in and out from the wagon became little difficult, with the new achieved height its was not realy easy on the knee at all, specially for everyday usage you will find that you need extra step and this rear hitch step which will be installed on the most of standard tow ball points is helping us amazingly, its an easy plug and play bolt on piece which will save your knee for everyday wagon usage.
The Best Slimmest Mobile Holder
This tiny mobile holder surprised me !! despite it is a very low cost and seems gimmicky and small size, it just holds my big mobile phone on the dash all the time very strong, truly I thought it will drop my phone all the time and it will fail during off-roading but its very reliable, I got it because I wanted something slick and do not ruin face of the dashboard or needed any extra hole, this is just by its rear sticking pad will stick strong on a corner somewhere and by its front strong magnet and a slim metal pad which you stick on your phone cover will do the job nicely.
Shower head/Water filler on OEM Troopy Hatch
If you saw our post regarding the water filler we installed on the rear body hatch of the Troopy, you realized both parts seating absolutely perfect on the OEM hatch, with a simple aluminum hand made plate you can mount both filler and shower head mount on the vent hatch without any extra hole on the body, both seamless and dust free for future usage on the dusty road is important to have sealed fitted items and not open to air, also water filler is stainless steel with a key for locking it, these two are available from below two links: